Saturday, July 21, 2012

the perks.

fun stuff.

sometimes i think my job totally bites. others, not so much. today i liked my job. because i comes with some really enjoyable and kind people. my good old pal Ernie hooked me up with some Jabbawockeez tickets for me and three people of my choice. since friends are so over-rated, i decided to bring the fam. Ernie HOOKED us up big time! we got some wicked seats and were right up front. We avoided any eye contact when they were choosing people from the audience, and did not humiliate ourselves publicly! Thank goodness. Although i would really like to see my dad do some of those dance moves one day. **fingers crossed** it was a really enjoyable show! I'm glad i got a chance to see it, thanks Ernie! Here is a little glimpse of the fun. 

blessed with good looks... check!

xoxo. robs.
P.S. I have decided that both my brother and father are incredibly annoying :) it is jabbawockeez, not jabberwakeeerz, or jabberwockie. get it right!! i love you.


  1. these pics are priceless :)

    1. Thank you! i am glad you check my blog out :) lucky me! checking yours out ASAP !!
